A project for our History & Futures module focusing on Society & Purpose.
ROOTS is a campaign to raise awareness specifically of the peri-menopause.
The Menopause is described by the NHS and the dictionary as: The ceasing of menstruation. The period in a woman’s life (typically between the ages of 45 and 50) when menstruation ceases. But that’s not entirely true.
Many women suffer the most during the peri-menopause where the variety of symptoms can be confusing and mixed - affecting their physical, emotional and psychological wellbeing. Plus, the period of menopause is so undetermined they could last up to 14 years. Sadly, the suicide rate among women is most prevalent between the ages of 45-54, coinciding with the menopause and according to the ONS has risen 6% in 20 years. This needs to change.
Many women suffer the most during the peri-menopause where the variety of symptoms can be confusing and mixed - affecting their physical, emotional and psychological wellbeing. Plus, the period of menopause is so undetermined they could last up to 14 years. Sadly, the suicide rate among women is most prevalent between the ages of 45-54, coinciding with the menopause and according to the ONS has risen 6% in 20 years. This needs to change.
It’s not just a hot flush. The core focus of my project explores the vast number (34+) possible symptoms and a campaign to help identify and break down barriers surrounding them which can often lead to misdiagnosis for those going through peri-menopause.
Early recognition of the variety of menopausal symptoms can help women, trans-men and non-binary people to not only realise what they’re going through but to also make positive changes in their lives both at home and work.
During the time most are going through the menopause they are at the peak of their careers and in their personal lives. There needs to be cohesive support in place across society to support women make the change, and when there isn't always access to GP's this campaign aims to help people get more accurate information as and when they need it - encouraging employers and companies to take the pledge for improving UK Menopause support and knowledge.
Inspired by nature and reclaiming the menopause.

Bold colours to stand out in the spaces that the travelling flat-pack pop-ups create, adjustable depending on location & type of event. E.g public space or education setting. Using the symptoms to create a variety of branding identities across four areas of the campaign.

Billboard for Pop Up Events

Billboard advertising facts/statistics


Social Media

Social Media

ROOTS: Travelling Truck


ROOTS Staff Apparel
(LHS) 'Help & Advice': Space to chat with others experiencing symptoms or just to learn if you aren’t going through it yourself. Leaflets/Box with tips, advice and resources.
(RHS) 'Symptom Lottery': Opportunity to learn about each symptom. Emphasis that not all women have the same symptoms or suffer to the same degree.

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